In What State Do You Choose to Live?

In What State Do You Choose to Live?   I live in the beautiful state of Virginia. But, during my lifetime I have resided in three other states and another country. We have the privilege of choosing where we want to live.   In our spiritual lives we also have...
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Heart like Gods

I heard someone once say the greatest compliment the Lord can give us is to say, “you have a heart like mine.”   When we experience a loss, our heart may be turned down, become heavy, confused and uncertain. You may think that your heart is far from looking like...
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How Can We Stay Healthy?

How Can We Stay Healthy?   Today I discovered I had a worm virus in my phone and computer. After many hours of tech support and more dollars than I want to count, the problem is supposed to be fixed.   How can we stay virus free in our spiritual...
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When your heart surpasses your mind

  After a loss,  your heart and mind may not feel connected. When your heart surpasses your mind, what may lie, but the glory of the Lord.  For from the heart abounds love and love will surpass all. So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with...
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What is Our Cross?

What is Our Cross?   Jesus says in Matthew, “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” Jesus put nothing in front of the mission He was sent to do when He was on earth.   When God calls us to...
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Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God?   If we cannot believe that Jesus is God, how can we expect Him to help us? When He says in His word He is our healer (Isaiah 61:1), our provider (Matthew 6: 25-33), and our way to heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16), we must believe or...
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Do You Have Hope?

Do You Have Hope?   When you hear a bad report from the doctor, do you accept it or do you have hope for a different outcome? When your child is arrested or involved in illegal activities, do you write them off as “good for nothing” or do you have...
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Has the whole kitchen sink been thrown at you?

I struggled for almost two years after my husband’s death with different spiritual attacks or as my mom would say, “I had the whole Kitchen sink thrown at me.” Through it all, God was faithful. Suffering a loss of any kind may make you vulnerable to spiritual attacks, gates to...
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