God’s time is now

  Two and a half years has gone by since my husband’s death, and God said to me this morning…. “Time, why do you focus on the time of passing. Can you not see that time has passed, and it has stopped for Frank (my husband). Hear Me; my time...
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There Can Be Joy

There Can Be Joy   When we go through a time of loss that brings grief and mourning, it seems like there will never be a day again when we can smile. But keeping our eyes on God, who promises to bring us joy again, we can have hope.  ...
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Rest Cure

Rest Cure treatment was popular during the 19th century, and it was tried on women who had hysteria. Women were essentially imprisoned for several months and had little to no contact with the outside world. This treatment after many years was deemed not to work. As a matter of fact,...
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Correction Comes From Love

Correction Comes From Love   How do we correct our children? Do we take a privilege away, or send them to their room for time to think?   In Proverbs 3:11,12, it instructs a child not to despise the correction of the LORD, because it shows us His love for...
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What goes in will come out

Regurgitate. I was reminded of this word when I walked into the kitchen to find marshmallow throw up all over my kitchen floor. My puppy decided earlier in the day to break-in to my cupboard and eat a whole bag of marshmallows. I knew that the bad stuff that went...
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Wisdom Brings Healing

Wisdom Brings Healing   In the second chapter of Proverbs it talks a lot about wisdom; the benefits and the consequences for lack of wisdom. As we study the scriptures we see that obedience to God’s word brings blessings.   In the third chapter of Proverbs a father is giving...
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Keep your mind on Him

Are we missing what God puts in front of us? I happened upon my husband’s funeral card a couple of days ago, and I looked at the scripture that I put on the card, “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts...
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Which Way Do I Go?

Which Way Do I Go?   After a great loss our heads can be spinning and we wonder what should we do next; what direction to take.   “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and...
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When we depend on God

My family and friends have always turned to me to get stuff done and when my husband died the same was true. However, God had other plans…I was in no condition to help anyone, not even myself. The accuser tried to make me feel guilty for letting everyone down. The...
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