Do you have a besetting sin?

  Do you have a besetting-sin?  We all have sinned, and we all want to be free from sin. Colossians 1:13 says, “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,” However, Satan is often at the gate...
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Keep your plug-in

This time of the year in Southern Maryland the majority of people are getting their boats ready to put in the water. I remember one year my husband and I worked hard to get our boat ready. We cleaned her up, got rid of the junk that had blown in...
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Is There Hope in My Future?

Is There Hope in My Future?   When tragedy strikes, the future is one of the first concerns. When I was going through a divorce I was in school at the time and wondered where I would get a job and live in the future. In hindsight I can see...
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I fasted; no I really fasted!

I fasted… When you hear this statement what comes to mind? Giving up food or something you enjoy? The church was going on a thirty day fast. I thought this will be easy; I really don’t care about eating anyway. Then I heard God’s voice…”Do you believe that this is...
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How do I Find Courage?

How do I Find Courage?   In a time of loss, whether it is a relationship, loss of innocence, loss of a job, or anything that wants to keep us in bed in the morning, how do we find the courage to face the world?   The definition of courage...
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Why don’t they understand?

Friends may not understand what you are going through. During times of loss, your friends may say things that bring no comfort. Remember they don’t completely understand what you are experiencing and sometimes you don’t even know how you are feeling. Continue to share with your friends as you go...
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So Much Loss at One Time

So Much Loss at One Time   I have experienced the sudden death of a friend and a few weeks later my aunt passed away on Resurrection Sunday. Even though I shed tears and my heart is heavy, I have the peace of knowing that they are both in heaven...
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Abusive Words

I struggled to forgive… It hurts when someone you care about treats you in an unjust manner.   Words can cause damage, and they can last a lifetime seared in your memory. “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may...
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Decoration or Worship

Decoration or Worship   I have worked as an interior designer. Recently while shopping I have noticed statues of Buddha in the accessory area of many stores. If we profess to be Christian, we should not have Buddha as an accessory of décor in our home.   You may be...
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