Social Security

You may feel a real loss of youth and control in your life, and social security is the culprit. You paid in, and now you do not see a return. As you age this may become a real fear as the payments fluctuate from month to month and survival seems...
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Desperation Brings Motivation

Desperation Brings Motivation   Why does it take a state of desperation in order to be motivated at times? I am much more motivated to skip the ice cream when it is hard to button my clothes. Or, when I’m desperate for time when I haven’t started on my taxes...
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  When you or someone you love has experienced discrimination. You may have lost hope, trust, innocence, or love.   How you respond to the discrimination is critical.   Anger may be your first reaction.   “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow...
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God’s Word is Alive

God’s Word is Alive   Not only do we celebrate Resurrection Sunday, where Jesus came back to life after being crucified on the cross, but He left us with His living Word and the Holy Spirit to indwell us and guide us.   “In the beginning was the Word, and...
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Our hearts joy has risen

Sometimes we struggle to comprehend the glory of what has been done for us. Our minds stretch to find the truth. We search and yearn for more without understanding… The word of God says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  John 8:32 NKJV....
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Jesus’ Redemption Is For All

Jesus’ Redemption Is For All   There is a time between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday when Jesus was in the tomb. I Peter 3:18-20 gives us insight to where His Spirit was at the time. Jesus had finished His role of bearing our sins on the cross when He...
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Are you giving birth to life or death?

The miles piled up. My running became the single focus of my life. It was all centered around a plan, a plan to run a marathon. It started off with a simple goal and became an unrelenting compulsion. The more miles I ran, the more miles I needed to run....
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Finding the Root Cause

Finding the Root Cause   I was pulling weeds in my yard and noticed some roots come up quickly, but others, such as dandelions, just won’t let go.   In the Bible we see different “roots” being the cause of something greater. For example: in I Timothy 6:10 it states,...
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Jaywalking, I am sure all of you have crossed the road in an area you should not have; gone outside the lines. Taken a risk of getting hit and breaking the rules. Everyone does it, right! The crosswalk was put in place to keep us safe. God’s cross, reminds us...
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