How Do We View God’s Word?

How Do We View God’s Word?   Some people see the Bible as a book of historical facts. Some see it as a book of myths or fairy tales. Some see it as the divinely inspired word of God, where humans held the pen and the words flowed out on...
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When I turned the corner to go down my road I saw smoke; the smell was one that I had never smelled before. As I pulled into the driveway, my heart became weak, and I felt a rush of helplessness overcome me. My house was gone, and my dogs were...
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Is Your Cell Phone Ringing?

Is Your Cell Phone Ringing?   Do you usually answer your cell phone before it rings? Well, in the Bible we are told that God actually answers us before we call. (Isaiah 65:24) Isn’t it wonderful to have a God who sees our need before we can even ask for...
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A Loss requires movement

You cannot go one place without leaving another.   When you have a loss, you have to leave one life, to recover, and to heal. In doing so, you may experience a series of losses. God is with you every step of the way. He is clearing the path as you...
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Where are Your Eyes?

Where are Your Eyes?   When we are grieving a loss it is hard to comprehend others’ hurts. I found it hard to pray for others when I was in deep grief. But, I also learned if I keep my eyes on Jesus, I can have joy during the grief....
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Trembling Aspen

The Trembling Aspen, often called the quaking aspen, is a small tree, often the first to grow back when the forest is cut.   This tree reminds me of the strength we have in Christ. When a tragedy strikes and we experience a loss, those that hold on to Our Lord...
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Patience   The other day I was at a fast food restaurant and ordered an ice coffee as I was going to be driving almost 30 miles to my home. I went inside instead of the drive-thru because I couldn’t remember the name of the coffee I wanted to order....
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Do you have an accepting heart

Let’s get to the heart of the matter.  God wants your heart.  You are probably going through some tough times, and your heart may be angry and, you may be deeply hurt.  God wants to give you a new heart.   “…I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and...
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Loss with Complications

Loss with Complications   Many women everyday face a challenge of expecting a baby they didn’t plan. The contemplation of not knowing what to do can be traumatic. Maybe there is not enough money to care for the child. Maybe the father or parent demands that an abortion take place....
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“Gay”, might not mean happiness

He was gay, his friends and family were at a loss for words. How could my good friend who I have known for years be gay? After all,  he was a Christian. I didn’t know what to say. The family was grieving multiple losses. The loss of his salvation, family,...
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