Lost hope

  Lost hope appears to be the end of the line.   If you cannot recover what you have lost, you may be saying what hope is there?   Recovery is necessary when you have a loss.   “God will restore everything you lost; he’ll have compassion on you; he’ll come...
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What is Expected of You?

What is Expected of You?   It is easy to become stressed if we try to please all of the people all of the time. The only One who is worthy of our allegiance is God. When we put Him first in all that we do there is always time...
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Can you be saved without Jesus?

    In our self-made society where it appears we can accomplish anything on our own, there is a thought that every human being can just decide to follow God and, therefore, be saved, without Jesus getting involved.   Just like a lot of self-made thoughts, they die quickly with...
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Lord or Santa Claus

Lord or Santa Claus   Have you ever had the experience that a certain person in your life only contacts you when they want something? How does that make you feel? We need to consider if we do the same thing to God. Do we only talk to Him when...
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It came from the Heart

  I sent a gift to my daughter on this valentines day, words of encouragement, the Lords words.   In turn I received a gift, It came from her heart. The whisper of my child, “I love you, mommy.” It is in the smallest of gifts that we see treasures; a...
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Have You Asked for Healing?

Have You Asked for Healing?   Why do you think God wants us to ask for healing and other needs in our life? If we never asked God, and all of our needs just showed up, would we know what the source of those needs were? God wants us to...
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Do you reflect Him?

  I often wonder as I am grieving am I reflecting Jesus’ character. What is healthy grieving? What is normal? The emotions come in like waves…they are uncontrollable, unpredictable and my thoughts…   Am I grieving the way God wants me to grieve?   Jesus lost a close friend and His...
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Do You Agree With God?

Do You Agree With God?   I am learning to pray like Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew the sixth chapter. He wants God’s will to be done on this earth as it is already transpiring in heaven. (Verse 10)   When I am praying for physical healing or...
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Is Dead dead?

  I just read an article in a newspaper where it declared that “Dead is dead” and dead is an absolute. Is dead, dead?   If you have experienced a loss due to death, this is unthinkable.   The Bible reflects that Jesus raised, at least, three people from the dead...
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Thankful That I Am Healed

Thankful That I Am Healed   I have been healed by God’s grace in many ways. He has healed my spirit, my soul (mind) and physical body. Because we live in a fallen world our enemy, the devil, continues to try to bring sickness to us in many forms.  ...
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