You can get a straight answer

 Where else can you go, ask anything and get a straight answer? “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:14 NIV   You may not like the answer. It is God’s objective to clean us up so that we can be useful...
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I Don’t Want to Lose My Mind

I Don’t Want to Lose My Mind   Back in the 1970’s I used to watch one particular soap opera whenever I was home. Even though I did not agree with the morality that was going on in the scripts, I felt safe that I would not be influenced in...
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Stand firm

  Many people say, “my life is just upside down; I can’t make heads or tails over this situation.”   First of all, “The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this...
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Loss of Territory

Loss of Territory   How do we define our territory? It can be where we live, work, go to school or go shopping. But, what happens when our territory is invaded?   Many have experienced the frightening occurrence of being stalked. The stalker steals your space and feeling of safety....
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God provides Hope

  Experiencing a loss sometimes leads you in a direction other than the one the Lord wants. God wants you to have hope.   Hope in knowing “…that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18....
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Are You in Prison?

Are You in Prison?   We can feel imprisoned by our feelings. When our circumstances seem to be in control and there is no way out we can feel trapped. What is the answer; prayer.   In order to pray and believe that your prayers are answered it is helpful...
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His Ever Presence

I had someone the other day tell me that they were going to invite “the presence of the Lord.” I started thinking about this comment. Since God is my father, part of my family, why would I have to invite Him. He should be ever present at all times; in...
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What Does Love Look Like?

What Does Love Look Like?   Do you remember the first time you fell in love? Colors seemed brighter, walking tall was easily done, and it was hard to keep a smile off of your face. Your first experience could have been because of a special someone, or looking into...
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Stay the course

When there is volatility you often hear people say, “stay the course.” The same is true when you are experiencing a loss.  Your gut reaction may be to forsake everything, turn and go in a different direction.   Keep God present and keep walking down His path; “Remain in me, as...
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Stain of Sin

  As I sat in church, I noticed that no one could see in, and I could not see out through the stained glass windows. When we accept Christ into our lives, the sin-stained window of our heart is cleaned. His light can shine in, and you can see Him...
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