Who Challenges Your Identity?

Who Challenges Your Identity?   I am a product of the 1960’s where the generation at that time was concerned with “finding” themselves, and would walk out of marriages looking for their identity. The question is, what identity are we seeking. And how do we know it is our identity...
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The Last Mile

The last mile was in sight; she knew that it was not going to be her running. She dug deep, pulled out what God built and trained to endure. The opposition was harsh, physical and mental pain was extreme fighting against her mind, telling her to stop. She silenced the...
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Loss of a Pet

Loss of a Pet   Some people live with their pets for many years. They become family members and often become like children as each have their own personality. Sometimes those who are not pet owners do not understand the trauma that can be associated with the death of a...
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Riding out the Storm

As I sit in my office, riding out snow storm Jonas. I am reminded of the blessings of the Lord. I have a warm house, food and water to sustain me for some time. I had a friend call yesterday that wrecked her car in the storm and was stranded...
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