How Does Grief Affect Us?

How Does Grief Affect Us? There are many lists of possible reactions that address how grief may affect our emotions. On the list anger and blame usually show up. But, if we have the Holy Spirit living in us, the fruit of that Spirit is patience, longsuffering and self-control. (Galatians...
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Do you struggle with temptation?

Do you struggle with doing something you know you should not do? Paul did, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it.” Romans 7:15 We all struggle with temptation, after all, we are only human. The temptation is a temptation...
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Suffering I have experienced leaving a safe place many times at the urging of the Holy Spirit. At the time, it was not always easy and the future was uncertain. But I always knew that if I was in God’s will for my life, He would bless me. Even though...
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How long Lord?

The months go by after a death, divorce or when you receive news of a terminal illness; and each one is counted. David understood anguish, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled;...
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Getting Away

Getting Away Have you ever been in a situation where you could not hear yourself think because of all of the noise around you? When we are surrounded with many people and activities, it is hard to pray and meditate on God’s word. These two things are critical to our...
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Starting New

Your circumstances (loss as a result of death, divorce, health, or job) may have you starting over. Starting new may be difficult or even scary. God says, “Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare That I will restore double to you.” Zechariah 9:12 “The Lord...
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What Happens During Worship?

What Happens During Worship? First we need to know what or who we are worshiping. As believers in Jesus, we worship God. But what miraculous thing happens when we worship? And what are different ways we can worship? Singing (Psalm 21:13, 146:2), praying (Matthew 6:9), dancing (II Samuel 6:14), falling...
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The Last Word

As the year comes to a close and my last devotional is read; the last gift opened; the last prayer is spoken; the last blessing bestowed; I give you my heart Lord…. “[ Promised Faithfulness to the Lord ] [ A Psalm of David. ] I will sing of mercy...
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Gas Up the Car

Gas Up the Car We all know a car will not run without gas. In the spiritual world, we as believers in Jesus Christ, cannot operate without the Holy Spirit. We are vessels for God and we are filled with the Holy Spirit that keeps us going. We are nothing...
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Ask me anything

Ask me anything Like a child I have many questions. My father says ask me anything and I will answer (john 14:13). So today I asked, where were you Lord when your son died? The answer I received was filled with hope. “Hear me on this. I was present in...
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