Crying Out to God

Crying Out to God Have you ever had the experience where you cried out to God in such desperation that your insides hurt? There is an example of Hannah crying out in prayer to God in the temple and Eli, the priest, thought she was drunk. “But Hannah answered and...
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No Returns

The day after Christmas is traditionally known as “return day.” People head out to the stores to return what didn’t fit or what may have been broken. God’s gift does not need to be returned. It is complete without blemish, no sin. Perfect in every way. The only thing that...
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Cultivate an Appetite

Cultivate an Appetite I remember the first time I ate broccoli; I didn’t like it. But as I tried it again, prepared in a different manner, I have grown to enjoy broccoli. It is the same as we cultivate our appetite for God. We may have been served information about...
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The Big present

The Big present Have you ever opened a big present at Christmas time and inside we’re many small gifts? Christ is the big gift, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16)....
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Will You Accept the Big Pill?

Will You Accept the Big Pill? I have noticed at times that some people don’t really want to get well. If they let go of their sickness, what would they talk about? One day I was meditating on God’s word and He made me aware of the fact that we...
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Days leading up to a holiday

If you have recently had a loss, the days leading up to an event or major holiday May start to pull you down. It is normal to grieve a loss. However, if the mourning turns into extreme grief, anger or bitterness. Turn your focus to the Lord. Ask the Lord...
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Word – Life

Word – Life There are a lot of people today that do not believe in authority; especially the authority of God’s word. God’s word is life-changing, healing and it is alive. It is not like any other book. Each time it is read it touches you where you are and...
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Ignoring a loss

If your loss was traumatic and you have chosen to ignore it in hope that it will go away, be forewarned. Time may pass and people may not remember the event. But the heart remembers the wound. In order for the heart to heal, the wound must be dealt with...
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Waiting is Hard

Waiting is Hard Have you ever had to wait to see if you were the one chosen for the new job, a house to sell, if she said, “yes” to the marriage proposal, for a loan to go through, a baby to be born, a healing to be complete, a...
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Division. We are called to be one. If this is so, why are so many divided? Families, churches, Christians, our nation; division is becoming normal. Let’s look at how to unite to break the division in our lives. Paul lays out the way to walk in unity in Ephesians 4:1-6,...
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