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He cares

If you are dealing with a financial burden as a result of a loss,  when something breaks in your house this can add additonal stress.

I realized this each time I emptied the dishes out of my dishwasher.  I had to inspect each item to assure it was clean. The dishwasher was basically broken.   This went on for a couple of years.

Finally, I decided it was time for a new dishwasher. I went into the local appliance store. As I was inspecting the dishwashers, I heard God say, “you don’t need a dishwasher.” I immediately stopped looking and left the store. I trusted the Lord.

A month later as I was emptying the dishwasher, I noticed that the dishes were coming out almost spotless. Trusting the Lord to care for your house, always results in cleanliness and He cares about all that we care about.

Nahum 1:7 “The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him. ”

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