There may be other losses associated such as:
- Loss of self-esteem
- Loss of identity
- Loss of income
- Loss of friends
- Loss of hope
- Loss of value
- Loss of Self-care
- Loss of trust in God, doctors
When confronting the loss of health there may be a loss of self-esteem. As a result, one views themselves not being able to function as they once did before.
Health issues can be costly, and if a loss of job or insurance takes place, great change may be taking place in one’s life.
Sometimes friends disappear because they don’t know how to respond to your illness, or subconsciously they may fear it could happen to them.
A star athlete may lose their identity when they can no longer function in their area of expertise.
- Contact medical professionals for consultation
- Contact your pastor or a professional counselor
- Look to your medical facility for a support group
“…I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 NKJV
Often the body is sick because the soul needs healing (mind and emotions). Physical and emotional sickness can go hand in hand.
“’For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the LORD,…” Jeremiah 30:17 NKJV