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Is It Hard for You to Wait?

Is It Hard for You to Wait?


I know it is hard for me to be patient when I am waiting in a line and for some reason the wait becomes very long. Now, it may be only five minutes, but because it is longer than I expected, I become impatient.


What about when we pray? Do we become impatient when God does not answer as fast as we expect? I know sometimes prayers have taken years to be answered, but God was still working the entire time.


For example, my uncle was one of twelve children and the only one who had not accepted Jesus as His Savior. I know my grandparents prayed for him for years. Both of my grandparents passed away, and when my Uncle was in his seventies, He became a Christian. A few years later, my uncle was the first of the twelve children to pass away. I can’t imagine the joyful reunion when he joined his parents in heaven and they knew their prayers were answered. God worked many works in my uncle’s life to bring him to the point of submitting to God. But many commented on how happy he was before he passed away.


“Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!”  Psalm 27:14  NKJV

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