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It’s Not Complicated

It’s Not Complicated


In the middle of hard circumstances we may feel at a loss to know what to do. Our first instinct is to rely on our own resources. But, I have found my resources are limited. When I stop and remember that God is all powerful and there is nothing He cannot do, I can give Him my troubles.


The next part that I have to work on is waiting on God. We live in an instant society and want everything now. God has His own timing and just because we do not see anything happening does not mean God is not working. He is always working and wants the best for us. We just need to stop, give our heart to Him, and wait for Him to complete His work in us. It is simple if we only submit to Him completely.


”But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”  Matthew 19:26  NKJV

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