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Only Jesus Heals, Not Time

Only Jesus Heals, Not Time

This is the forth anniversary of the passing of my beloved husband. As I sit in the house that we shared only 7 months, I mourn the gradual loss of his memory of being here, as I have been here 4 years without him. God still blesses me with memories of my husband singing and always cheerful, never having a discouraging word and exhibiting his joyful presence. I have peace about his passing, but will always miss him.

It is not time that has brought peace to me, but God’s holy Spirit; the Comforter.

I have experienced, at a Grief Share meeting, one widow who came because her husband was gone four years and she was having trouble with grief. So, time does not heal wounds, only Jesus.

Jesus said, about Himself, “He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted.”

Luke 4:18  NKJV

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