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Learning to Walk

Learning to Walk

I’m sure most people have seen a baby take its first steps. The little one falls often, but continues to get up. The constant practice and exercise of walking eventually turns to running so fast, it is hard to keep up with that little baby that was once teetering on two legs.

We, as believers in Jesus, need to exercise our faith, and our gifts given by the Holy Spirit. We see in the parable that Jesus spoke about servants who were given money to invest. (Luke 19:12-26) One servant was afraid of losing the money, so he dug a hole and put it in the ground. When the master came back he was upset that he didn’t put it in the bank so at least the money would have collected interest.

When we are learning to walk in faith, we will make mistakes, but that will give us the ability to eventually run. The enemy, the devil, will try to make us afraid to step out, but we must go with God to see what wonderful things He has in store for us.

“For I [Jesus] say to you, that to everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”              Luke 19:26 NKJV

Use it or lose it.

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