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Lord or Santa Claus

Lord or Santa Claus


Have you ever had the experience that a certain person in your life only contacts you when they want something? How does that make you feel? We need to consider if we do the same thing to God. Do we only talk to Him when we need something?


God wants a relationship. He created us so He could have fellowship with us. If we treat Him like Santa Claus we are not making Him Lord of our life. He wants to talk to us on a daily basis; all day long. Be honest with God, He already knows what you are thinking. If you are bitter about an incident in your life, tell Him. Ask Him how you can be free of your bitterness and pain. If you listen He answers in a still quiet voice. Give Him your burden.


“…and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.”

I John 1:3b-4  NKJV



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