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Lord, what do you want to tell me today?

I asked the question that always brought so many wonders, Lord what do you want to tell me today? I heard the words, “Gross negligence; there is such gross negligence today. Do you know what negligence means?” I learned a long time ago that when God says do you know, you probably don’t know. I said, tell me, Lord. Negligence is not doing what you have been called to do. You have been called to love your God and your neighbor with all your heart, soul and mind. How many are striving to do just that? How many everyday layout a plan to accomplish the primary commandment that I have given them.

“So the governors and satraps sought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him.” Daniel 6:4

Daniel was deemed faithful. Why, because he loved His God with all his heart, soul and mind. As a result, he was delivered.

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