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Rearview Mirror

Rearview Mirror

One day I was driving an hour long drive on a two lane road. A car came up behind me and kept following me very closely. It makes me very uncomfortable when people tailgate me. I could see the man clearly in my rearview mirror, and the driver refused to pass me.

I started to pray for the man in a very detailed and intense way. As I prayed he began to back off. The Lord was giving me words of knowledge about this man, so I continued to pray. It wasn’t long and the car behind me had dropped back about a quarter of a mile. He continued to follow for a long time, but I could drive leisurely as he was no longer on my bumper. What could have been an anxiety creating situation turned into an opportunity to pray.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all…”  Galatians 6:10  NKJV

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