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Source of Light-Source of Gifts

Source of Light-Source of Gifts

Have you ever thought about the source of light not having a shadow of its own? A light bulb can cast a shadow of objects around it, but there is no shadow of the bulb itself. God is referred to as the “Father of lights”.

We often relate a dreary day or darkness with depression. Sunshine is very welcome after a week of rain. The term “sunny disposition” relates to someone who is upbeat and happy. And, when left to choice, I’m sure we would rather be with a person who has a sunny disposition than a negative, faultfinding person.

So, what can be better than to receive a gift from the Father of lights, and abiding in His presence?

“Every good gift and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

James 1:17  NKJV

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