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Watch Out!!

Watch Out!!


As I was raking a large rock garden my late husband had designed, I found a deadly snake early on in the process. I was happy to see it was only five or six inches long, but it made me cautious as I raked the layers of leaves anticipating a possible brother or sister; or maybe mama snake.


When we have been abused, rejected, abandoned, or many other things that can break our heart, we can become so cautious that we become paralyzed in other relationships. We know that our enemy, the devil, comes to steal, kill and destroy, as we see in John 10:10. But instead of avoiding healthy relationships with people, we need to avoid the one who wants to destroy our relationships.


“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion; seeking whom he may devour.”

I Peter 5:8  NKJV

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