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What Happened?

What Happened?


“Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe.”

Acts 14:19,20


Paul was presumed dead. So, what did the disciples do when they gathered around him? Did they pray that he would come back to life? Whatever they did, Paul got up and walked into the city where he had been stoned. There is a miracle here. Someone doesn’t just get up and walk after being declared dead. Then the next day he takes a road trip by foot.


When we trust in God, He is always faithful. He has promised to provide for His believers and supply us with our needs.


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